Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pig Pen Construction, Step 3...and more

Well, this is step 3 of construction.  I added another layer of pallets laying the other direction because we had an escape.  Thanks to Corrina and Mindy the pigs are back in the pen now.

This is the trench I dug today to run electricity from the shed to the barn.  All I got out so far is the top layer of sod, I will dig about another foot down.

This is the electrical box I installed in the shed, the old one was a glass circuit breaker type but this new one have re-set able breakers.

Here are our broilers...getting bigger everyday!

This is the right side of the barn where the broilers are now, we are working on the plans for a new coop here, I'm sure more pics will follow soon.

Here is our other current project, we will be screening in this area with, hopefully, removable screen panels.

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