Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 3, 2010

Here are some pictures from our hiking trip on Sunday.

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 2010





Saturday, July 10, 2010

4th of July...

Here is a picture of me and Tyler getting ready for the egg toss game. He was partners with a little 4 year old girl; they were out on the first round but I know he had fun.

I tried to upload more pictures but for some reason it's not working.

More to come this week...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wes' Phone Number

Wes has a new phone number  989-390-8776

4th of July

These are a few of the pictures from the 4th of July. We have a bunch more but this is all I have time to download. I'll try to add the rest by the weekend.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Our Stamp

Yesterday, we finally gave up on our lawn mower. Something broke on it every single time we used it. So we headed to town to buy a brand new one. We are so happy to finally have a mower that works...

While we were at the store we bought a 20 foot flag pole to put in our front yard. Here are a few pictures of putting the flag up. We plan on getting a sign to put in the rocks with our family name and year on it.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pig Pen Construction, Step 3...and more

Well, this is step 3 of construction.  I added another layer of pallets laying the other direction because we had an escape.  Thanks to Corrina and Mindy the pigs are back in the pen now.

This is the trench I dug today to run electricity from the shed to the barn.  All I got out so far is the top layer of sod, I will dig about another foot down.

This is the electrical box I installed in the shed, the old one was a glass circuit breaker type but this new one have re-set able breakers.

Here are our broilers...getting bigger everyday!

This is the right side of the barn where the broilers are now, we are working on the plans for a new coop here, I'm sure more pics will follow soon.

Here is our other current project, we will be screening in this area with, hopefully, removable screen panels.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Egg Incubator

Here are all 30 Rhode Island Red eggs that arrived in the mail.

Ready to go in the incubator

Here they are in the incubator, above them is the water to supply ample humidity.

This is the front of the incubator.  On the left is a digital thermometer, and on the right is the hole I stick my arm in to turn the eggs twice a day.

This is the top, in the middle is the viewing window and above it is a pipe and funnel to fill the water.  With the hole in the front and funnel on top I will never have to open the incubator until the eggs hatch.  Hopefully this will help to keep a more constant environment and better hatch rate!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pig Pen Construction, Step 2

Here is the pig pen and tennants.

Its not pretty but so far it works and it was FREE!

Close up of Three and Kai-Lan

Broilers are getting big already, they will be spending their first night outside tonight.

Here is our rainwater collector, made from an old fuel oil tank.  We need to install some gutters on the roof for more collection.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pig Pen Construction, Step 1

This will be the site for the new pig pen, it is on the left side of the turkey pen
Yesterday Wes went into town to find pallets to build with, here are the 8 footers he found. The spaces between the boards are a little wide but he will take apart some of the small or broken ones to fill spaces.
Here are the smaller ones he found, I think we will have enough to do what we want to do with them. 
We will be putting everything together in the next few days, we will post pics as we take them.