Saturday, July 10, 2010

4th of July...

Here is a picture of me and Tyler getting ready for the egg toss game. He was partners with a little 4 year old girl; they were out on the first round but I know he had fun.

I tried to upload more pictures but for some reason it's not working.

More to come this week...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wes' Phone Number

Wes has a new phone number  989-390-8776

4th of July

These are a few of the pictures from the 4th of July. We have a bunch more but this is all I have time to download. I'll try to add the rest by the weekend.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Our Stamp

Yesterday, we finally gave up on our lawn mower. Something broke on it every single time we used it. So we headed to town to buy a brand new one. We are so happy to finally have a mower that works...

While we were at the store we bought a 20 foot flag pole to put in our front yard. Here are a few pictures of putting the flag up. We plan on getting a sign to put in the rocks with our family name and year on it.